Dear Friends,
We experienced a miracle in my family last week. I know that many of you heard me share that my son Chris would be preparing for kidney transplant surgery. Chris has kidney disease and a little over a month ago, his kidney function dropped to 13%. Because he had been stable at about 23% function for a number of years, they immediately retested. The new blood work showed a slight increase, but still well below the 20% threshold at which one is placed on the transplant list. I shared the situation in worship and invited your prayer.
The Texas Mission Team raises one of the big walls.
At the appointment, during which we were informed that the number had dropped to 13%, I asked if there was any way to bring that number back up (change of medication, diet, etc.) She explained (what deep down I already knew) that Kidney Disease is degenerative and irreversible. We began the process of preparing for transplant. While I was in Texas last week, about a month after we learned transplant would be necessary, Chris had a follow up visit with his nephrologist. Much to her astonishment and our joy, the most recent labs (the third set in a month) showed his kidney function has been restored to 23%. Because he is back above the 20% mark, Chris will not be having transplant surgery at this time. Praise God!
I am reminded anew how blessed I am to have a relationship with Jesus. I know in my heart that even if someday Chris does have to have the surgery, God will watch over him and all will be well. I’m blessed because I know that no matter what I face, I will never face it alone. I have the Spirit of God within me and I have my church family beside me. What a gift. I can’t honestly imagine trying to live this life without Jesus. And it is heartbreaking to me every time I meet someone who does not have a relationship with Him.
if you didn't have an opportunity to complete an Easter Outreach Help Card, it's not too late.
Easter is coming soon. It is one of our greatest outreach opportunities of the year. This year we are putting a greater effort into our Easter outreach than we ever have before. Do you know why? Because everyone needs Jesus! To make this Easter outreach fully effective, we need you. We need extra hospitality team members who desire to share Christ’s love through acts of service. We need people to hand write invitation cards, because hand written invitation shows how highly we value those we invite. We need people to pray, because without the power of the Holy Spirit we labor in vain. There are lawn signs to be put out and social media to be shared. Perhaps most of all, we need every person to invite their friends and neighbors, because there is no greater act of love than to invite a friend to know Jesus. If you feel led to help in any of these ways, but didn’t get a chance to fill out a card on Sunday, just email Lynette and she will add you to the team.
This weekend we will continue what has been an amazing series entitled “God’s Great Plan.” I look forward to having you join us this Sunday. You won’t want to miss it!
God Bless,
Pastor Steve
PS. Don't forget to "Spring Forward" this weekend!