Have you ever been to a family reunion? Over the years, I’ve been to several. It is often challenging to work out the logistics and timing to get everyone together, but it is SO worth it. There is a joy and excitement that comes from reconnecting with people we love that we have not seen for some time. Recently my wife Nicole got together with her 3 sisters (one of whom still lives in Belgium). It was the first time they had all been together in 20 years! What a blessing that was for her.
For many of the same reasons, I love the first Sunday after Labor Day. Our ministry is coming back into full swing. LifeGroups get fired up. NextGen, our Sunday morning children’s ministry, launches a new year. And when we all gather on Sunday morning, it feels to me like a family reunion! Let’s face it. Summers in New England are short, so we try to squeeze in any vacation time we can. And when we are not away, others are. It begins to feel like we haven’t seen one another in forever.
But this Sunday is our family reunion. The kids are back to school. We are coming into our fall rhythm. This is the perfect time for us to all be together for worship. So I want to extend to you a special invitation. This Sunday you are invited to the Rock Church Family Reunion! This is going to be a great week to reconnect with people we may not have seen much over the summer. Since we’ve just launched a great new series “Fight my Battles,” it is also a perfect time to invite new friends.
This Sunday our North Shore campus makes its big move into the Vision Max Cinema!
I’m honestly so excited about this Sunday that I can barely contain myself. It is going to be wonderful to reconnect. We have a great service prepared. This will also be our first Sunday at the Vision Max Cinema for our North Shore Campus, so that is going to be super exciting! This is definitely a week you will not want to miss. I look forward to us all being together this Sunday.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve