So the Rock Run Raiser is just over 5 weeks away. About two weeks ago it hit me that it was coming up soon and I inwardly shuttered. Not that I don’t like the event. Just the opposite, I love it. I’m just not in shape for it. If you are not familiar with the Rock Run Raiser, it is an event we run every October. It is a 2 mile challenge course race with 15 obstacles along the way. Honestly, it’s a blast and many people do it for the fun and the challenge with little concern for their time.
But if you know me, you probably know I’m a little more competitive than that, and I want to do well. In fact, my goal is to improve my time every year (And yes, perhaps to beat Pastor James who beat me by one second last year!) But the thing is, if I am going to run the race well, I’ve got to train. The Apostle Paul, in a letter to Timothy, reminded him that physical training is good, but spiritual exercise is even more valuable as it blesses our life today and for eternity.
Thinking about the upcoming Run Raiser, and the fact that I have allowed myself to fall into “less than ideal condition,” caused me to reflect on this idea of spiritual training. I’m amazed how easy it is to allow the busyness of life to keep me from getting out for a run or hitting the weights. And sadly, the same thing can be true in our spiritual training. It is easier than I care to admit to allow the busy pace of life to cut into my prayer time, my worship, reading and studying God’s Word, and the other things that build my spiritual strength.
We are in a series right now entitled “Fight my Battle.” As I have thought about the series, it struck me how important it is that we stay in good shape, good spiritual shape, if we are going to fight our battles well. When it comes to physical training, I tend to go through seasons when I train well and other times when I hardly train at all. How much better off would I be if I just kept my training consistent. The same is true for all of us as we try to stay in good shape spiritually. I would encourage us make our spiritual training a part of ever day. Stay in great spiritual shape. Because this is how we fight our battle.
By the way, if any of you do want to join me for the Rock Run Raiser, you can get all the information at Have a blessed week. I look forward to us all being together this Sunday as we continue our series.
God Bless,
Pastor Steve