I've been thinking a lot lately about the gift of community. I think I've always placed a high value on the community of friends, family and relationships. And for all of my life, the church family has been a central part of that gift of community. But in recent years I've come to appreciate that more and more deeply. I'm blessed to have many nice things in my life, but I am more convinced than ever that the greatest gift, the greatest “possession” if you will, is the gift of relationships.

Of course, first and foremost is my relationship with Christ. I am certain that there is no greater gift that I, or any of us, can receive than a life-changing, hope-filled, eternity shaping relationship with Jesus. But I am also certain that, after my relationship with Christ, the most precious thing I have is the relationships with the people in my life. Covid has been devastating at so many levels. But I think one of the greatest losses has been the loss of connection. Fear and isolation have robbed us of one of God's greatest gifts; face to face, person to person, life on life relationships with others who have been such an important part of our lives.

I certainly encourage us to be wise and take whatever precautions we believe are right for us. Each of us lives in unique circumstances in terms of our own health and the health of others with whom we have regular contact. But as Hebrews 10:25 says, “we should not forsake the gathering.” There is something important and powerful that takes place when the family of God comes together for worship. It is a precious gift that I believe God desires for us. Certainly there is a place for online ministry and I'm grateful we have that resource to help us keep connected when we are not able to be together in person. But there is still something special about gathering in person.

This Sunday would be a great week to get reconnected with the family of God. We are launching a brand new series entitled “The Temple.” I think this is an incredibly important series that applies to every one of us. This Sunday will also be our kickoff Sunday for Sandown and North Shore. We have some surprises planned, a great worship service prepared and we will be launching our new children's programs.

So, if you can, I hope you will join us in person this Sunday. I believe God has something great prepared for us. Of course, if you are not able to join us in person, we will have a great live stream worship every hour on the hour starting at 9:00 a.m. 

Have a blessed week. Love you all.

Pastor Steve
