Do you ever look around your house and think “I really have to get rid of some stuff?” I'm not sure how it happens, but over time I find I have a way of accumulating lots of “stuff.” Honestly, sometimes I'm not sure where it all comes from. I’m beginning to wonder if it is multiplying at night while I'm sleeping. Or maybe someone is sneaking in to leave more stuff when I'm not looking.
However it happens, I've come to the realization that I simply have too much stuff. So, step by step, area by area, I have been sorting and reducing. Some of the things are honestly not worth keeping, so I've been putting out a lot of trash. Other items have value, but I just don't need them. But since I'm not really a yard sale kind of guy, I often try to give those things away. The tough part has been sorting through the items that have sentimental value. Every item seems to be tied to a memory.
It is actually hard work sorting through the things we have accumulated over time. But I'm learning to let go. I've always saved things believing I might need them someday. But eventually there comes a point where this glorious collection of accumulated goodies becomes more of a hindrance than a help. Even if I could use it, with so much to sort through, I can never find what I need when I need it . And if I'm honest, things that are nostalgic are nothing I would ever use. I save them because they remind me of the people who have been part of my life and the events that have helped to shape me. So the temptation is to hold on to, even live in, the past. But I think there is a balance to be found. A balance of being grateful for the past and being excited for the future.
As a church, in many ways, we are at a similar point. As we slowly emerge from Covid, it is a time of remembering and giving thanks for what God has done in the past and yet embracing with joy what He has for us in the future. And yes, there may be things that we will want to let go of in order to make room for the new. That does not diminish the gift that they have been to us in the past. It's simply opens up space for what God has for us in the future.
I would encourage us to live our lives both grateful and excited. Grateful for all God has done in the past and excited about what God is preparing to do in the future.
Before I sign off, I just want to remind everyone that one of our big outreach events “Trunk or Treat” is coming up soon. We are in need of folks to do trunks as well as volunteers for other aspects of the event. For more info, contact Kristen.
Have a great rest of the week. I look forward to us continuing our series “The Temple” this Sunday.
Love you all,
Pastor Steve