You may not know this about me, but I am a planner. I like to think ahead. I make lists. I think through the details well in advance. I've known people who equate a lack of planning with being Spirit-led. I think the assumption is that when we plan ahead, we are no longer leaving room for the Holy Spirit to work. But I have actually found the very opposite to be true for me. When I failed the plan ahead I often find I am forced to make spur-of-the-moment decisions that leave little opportunity to seek God's leading. But when I plan ahead, it leaves me ample time for prayer, reflection and the refining work of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday morning at Soulfest, Christian recording artist Paul Colman joined us for worship!  Click on the picture to see it full sized.

Saturday morning at Soulfest, Christian recording artist Paul Colman joined us for worship! Click on the picture to see it full sized.

Of course, for that to work we cannot be so tied to our plan that we are unwilling to make modifications as God continues to speak into our lives. In other words, planning can be a great tool as long as we invite the holy Spirit into that process and allow our plan to be shaped by God as we go along. One of the areas I have found this to be particularly helpful is in sermon planning. It is not uncommon for me to have a rough outline of our Rock Church sermon series a year ahead. So it is usually in the late summer/early fall that I begin to plan our next years sermon series. Knowing ahead of time what series we are going to cover gives me time to think and pray about how to best approach those topics. And it often happens that in moments when I least expect it, the Holy Spirit will bring to mind some insight or idea that is critical to a series that is still months in the future.

So, I'm just beginning to think about our teaching series for the next 12 to 18 months and I need your help. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. But to give us a little structure to that process, I would ask you to think about these four questions.

  •   What series could we offer that would help you invite your unchurched friends and neighbors?

  •   What topics could we cover that would help you grow deeper in your faith?

  •   Where are you, or people you love, struggling and what series topics might help bring healing?

  •   How could we inspire or better equip you to more effectively serve Christ?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please share your ideas in the comments below or by emailing me at

Have a blessed week!

Love you all,

Pastor Steve

PS~We will be setting up tables, chairs, canopies, etc. for Day Camp on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm. If anyone is free and would like to help out, please join us at our Rock Church Plaistow location on Sunday at 4:00 pm.

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