I am writing my blog this week in between gathering up supplies and making final preparations to attend Soulfest. By the time you read this I will already be there. This year we are taking our largest group ever, just over 120 people. I am so pumped! A week after we get back from Soulfest will be Day Camp, which is completely sold out with a waiting list! This past Sunday, despite being a beautiful day in the middle of the summer we had our best attendance yet since coming back from Covid. We are seeing first time guests every week. We are launching new initiatives. God is good!
I feel like Lazarus! It feels like God is resurrecting our ministry to new life. I am so excited about what God is doing through Rock Church that I can't even fully express it. I don't know if you have felt it, but I sure have. The Holy Spirit is moving in extraordinary ways in our midst. One of the areas where we are seeing new life is in our children's and youth ministries. Post-Covid, we are redeveloping both of these important areas and I am already seeing God at work in new and exciting ways. In order for us to grow these areas in the way I believe God is calling us to, we are going to need a lot of help. If you have a heart for kids, I would love to talk to you more about how you could get connected to this life-changing area of ministry. You can let us know you're interested by completing the quick and easy reply form at this link.
While I have your attention, I want to lift up a few other things that are coming up soon.
Rooted. We will launch our next Rooted course on September 12. This is an amazing class that has been a blessing to all who have participated. You can find all the details at this link.
Mastering Motherhood. This amazing new outreach to moms is coming to Rock Church this fall beginning September 14th. It will be hosted at our Sandown campus. You can learn more about Mastering Motherhood at this link.
Men's Summit. I am super excited that the men's retreat is back. We have a great speaker lined up this year. The 2021 Men's Summit will be held at Camp Brookwoods on October 8-10. You can get all the info at this link.
Have a blessed day. Pray for us at Soulfest!.
God bless,
Pastor Steve