I wasn't awake to see it, but I heard we had a little snow last night. Another sure sign that we are entering a new season. Most of the time I love the seasonal changes. When, after a long cold winter, we have our first spring-like day, I rejoice. And when spring gives way to summer and we have that first hot day, I drop the top on my car, go for a ride and enjoy the weather. Then when summer melts into fall with is warm days, cool nights, and beautiful colors, I love it.

But the one transition I've never particularly enjoyed is when we go from fall to early winter. The first snowfall, the icy cold wind that chills to the bone, the shorter days. I know many people love it, but I've never been a big fan of winter. However, I'm trying to see it differently. I know there is beauty in every season if only I will open my eyes to see it.

Sometimes transitions will come in life in such a way that we find ourselves in a new season. Sometimes it will be a season we look forward to, or are excited about, like leaving for college, a new job, the birth of a child. There may be other seasons that we dread like the empty nest, retirement, or the loss of a spouse. But Jesus is in every season. While some, like the coming of spring, might seem to be warm and full of promise, others will feel cold and harsh like they dead of winter.

Or sometimes a new season won't seem good or bad, it will just be different. I love the warmth of summer and I love the cool of fall. They are different, but they are both a blessing. The secret, I believe, is to see God in all of it. He is there. He is with us on those beautiful, warm summer days and He is with us in the midst of the coldest winter day.

Even as a church, we go through seasons. There are times when so much is happening we can barely keep track. And we have seasons of relative calm. Even in our own spiritual lives we will go through seasons. There will be times of growth and times of pruning, times of busyness and times of rest. My prayer for all of us as we prepare to enter this Advent/Christmas time is that it will be a season of spiritual blessing for you. I know God has something for all of us in this wonderful season which we are approaching. Embrace it. Enjoy it. Celebrate it!

I look forward to us being together this Sunday as we finish up our series “God is…” After Thanksgiving we enter a new season, the season of Advent, with a new series entitled “Home for Christmas.” I can’t wait to tell you more about it.

Love you all,

  God bless,

Pastor Steve
