On Monday, at the men's gathering at our North Shore campus, I had the privilege of praying over two great godly men. These two men, Pastor Frank and Bill, are both going through significant health battles. At a certain point in the evening, we invited the men to come forward so we could pray God's help, strength and healing over them. As I led the prayer, dozens of men gathered around, laid on hands and joined in prayer over these brothers in Christ. It was a truly powerful and profound moment as we united our hearts in intercession for these men.

Later that evening, as I reflected on the experience, it struck me what a privilege it really is to be able to pray. I think I sometimes forget that in prayer we are coming into the very presence of God with the cries of our hearts. To think that the one who put the stars in place and established our world in it's perfect balance, would take the time to hear us it's just mind blowing. To imagine that we could come into the throne room of the King of Kings, have an audience with the Lord God Almighty, almost seems impossible. And yet every time we pray, that is exactly what happens.

I fear that far too often I have failed to see prayer as the privilege that it really is. I confess that at times I have prayed as if it were some perfunctory or ritualistic task. But it's not. It is the gift of opening our hearts to the great I Am, the Lord of all and savior of the world. So today, as you spend time in prayer to God, I would encourage you not to see it as a task, an obligation or even habit. Instead, I would urge us to see it as a privilege, because it really is.

On another note, I want to remind us that this Sunday in worship we will take time to pray over our veterans and active service personnel. If you currently serve or have served, in any branch of the military, I hope you'll make a special point to be with us. Also, if you have a close friend or family member who is currently serving, we would invite you to be there as well so we can pray for those active duty service members.

Have a blessed week. I look forward to us being together this Sunday as we celebrate our veterans, and as we continue our great new series “God is . . .”

Love you all,

Pastor Steve
