Can you believe that Christmas is only a few days away! I think I am more excited for Christmas this year than ever. With my newly expanded family, this year will be a beautiful combination of traditions old and new. If you are like me you probably have many wonderful traditions that you celebrate around Christmas. But through all the seasons of life, and through so many changes, there is one tradition that always remains the same for me. That is the celebration of the birth of Jesus in the Christmas Eve Candlelight service.

In my home church growing up as a child, and now here at Rock Church over these past 36 Christmases, this has always been the very heart of the Christmas celebration for me. And so I just want to invite you to be with us this Christmas Eve at any of our Rock Church locations. I don't know if there's anything more beautiful than to hear the story of the birth of Christ told through scripture and song. And I don't know that there's any moment more precious than when the Light of the Christ Candle is past from person to person Illuminating our darkened room with the glorious light of Christ. It is truly beautiful.

If you have not heard, we will be offering four Christmas Eve services over our three locations. Sandown and North Shore will hold their candlelight services at 4:00 p.m. Plaistow will offer services at 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. These are all going to be beautiful, joyful celebrations of the coming of our savior. Leading up to the services on Christmas Eve I would invite you to do two things. First, click on this link and let us know what service you think your family will be attending. This will help us to plan for seating and other preparations. And secondly, invite a guest. I cannot think of any time better suited to inviting an unchurched friend or neighbor than a beautiful Christmas Eve service. I promise you it will be a blessing to them.

You probably know that Christmas Day falls on a Sunday this year. Since we are all gathering the night before for Christmas Eve services, our Christmas day service will not be in person. But we have prepared a beautiful Christmas Day online service that incorporates all five of our pastors. I would invite you and your family to share in that service at any time Christmas Day at our live stream link where it will be broadcast every hour on the hour. Or you can catch the rebroadcast on demand on the front page of our website. I would also encourage you to share these links on social media. You never know how God might use it.

Looking ahead, I do want to let you know that we will be back in person on New Year's Day for all services. We will be launching a new series entitled “Superheroes.” This is going to be a great series that you will not want to miss. And I cannot think of a better way to start off the new year than together with your church family to worship and praise to God.

Have a blessed week. I look forward to us all being together on Christmas Eve. I love you all.

God bless,

Pastor Steve
