It has been my experience that life is a continuous cycle of endings and beginnings.  We go through seasons in our lives; childhood, teens, young adulthood, first jobs, new jobs, advancement, retirement. For some there will marriage, parenting and eventually an empty nest.  One chapter of life will eventually give way to a new chapter. 

Sometimes the transitions can be difficult. When a season has been particularly good or joyful, it can be sad or even painful to let go. But regardless of how much we may resist it, virtually all seasons of life have beginnings and endings. And when one season ends, it makes way for a new season. Not every season will be our favorite, but I believe God has something important for us in every season.

Over time I have discovered that one of the keys to experiencing the fullness of what God has for us in this life is to embrace each new season as it comes. I believe the way we do that is to see each transitions as an opportunity for two things.  First, we can celebrate the season that is passing for the blessing that it has been in our lives. We can take the time to give thanks to God for all of the good things that come from that season of life. Then, we can joyfully anticipate what the next season will bring. We can enter into the new season eager to experience all that God has for us in this next stage of life.   

As much as we may want to, we can’t keep the seasons from changing.  Endings and new beginnings are a necessary part of life. But I believe if we can embrace each new beginning as a gift, we will discover that God has great things for us in this new season.  This week we will say goodbye to 2022 and will welcome a new year. I would encourage us to take the time to pause and give thanks to God for the blessings of this past year. I know I have much to be thankful for.  And I would encourage us to launch into the new year with joyful anticipation, trusting that God has even greater things for us in this next season of life. I, for one, cannot wait to see what God has in store for us!

Sunday we begin a brand new series entitled “Superheroes.”  This is going to be an insightful and exciting series that you will not want to miss.  Being together this Sunday will also allow us to launch the new year in the best possible way, in community with our church family worshipping God! I look forward to us all being together this Sunday for in person worship.

I love you all,

Pastor Steve

Reminder: it is not to late to share a year end gift in support of God’s work here at Rock Church.  Donations can be made online at this link or by mail to Rock Church PO Box 435 Sandown, NH 03873.  To be included in your 2022 giving statement, online donations must be in my midnight of Dec 31. Donations sent by mail must be postmarked by Dec 31.
