Tomorrow is day 20 of our 40-day Journey. It is hard to believe that we are already midway through the spiritual experience. How's it going? I hope and pray that you're using this 40-day journey as an opportunity to go deeper in your faith and closer to Christ. Whether it is spending a little extra time in prayer, journaling, engaging the daily emails, First 5 videos, fasting, prayer service or any number of other opportunities, I'm praying it's helping you to become more like Jesus.

Something I've noticed about this 40-day journey is that every week our in person attendance at worship is going up. This past Sunday we had our highest regular Sunday attendance in 2 years. No doubt that is being influenced by the combination of the rapidly declining rate of new Covid cases and the warmer weather. But from some of the conversations I've had, I am also seeing an increasing hunger to be in community, to worship God corporately and to engage with God in deeper ways as a result of this 40-day journey that we are on. And now, here we are already at the midpoint.

So as we find ourselves halfway along on this journey towards Easter, I have a few thoughts I want to share. First, if you have not yet found your way to engage in this journey, it is not too late. You can begin today with any of the special focuses has we've talked about. You can spend a few minutes in prayer or in the Word of God right now. You can sign up at this link to begin receiving the daily emails and videos starting tomorrow. You can join us for prayer service on Friday at 7 p.m. in Plaistow. It is never too late to take a new step in your spiritual journey.

If you have been participating in some way, I would urge you to stay the course. Unfortunately, sometimes we start strong our journey but then the busyness and distractions of life sidetrack us. And somehow, before we know it, we are off the path we intended to follow. This is how the enemy tries to keep us from growing stronger in Christ. He puts stumbling blocks and distractions in our way. So my second encouragement is to stay the course to the end.

The third thing I would say is “share the joy.” As we grow in Christ, our joy is multiplied. Share that joy with others. There are so many around us who desperately need the hope and joy that Jesus alone can bring. As we approach Easter there is no better time to share that joy and to extend an invitation to worship and Christian community.

So as we hit the midpoint, I hope this 40-day journey has been, and will continue to be, a blessing in your life. I think it has been wonderful so far and I believe God has even greater things for us in the days ahead. 

Love you all,

Pastor Steve

Praise Report: Mike Hills, a member of our church family who underwent a heart and liver transplant a number of weeks ago is recovering well and had transition to Northeast Rehab, 70 Butler St. Salem, NH 03079. Visitors are limited, but cards are welcome.
