I'm convinced that at any given moment every one of us knows at least one person who does not yet have a relationship with Jesus, but would be open to an invitation. With Easter right around the corner there literally could not be a better time to invite an unchurched friend or neighbor to join us for worship.

Historically, it has always been true that Easter is a great time to invite guests. There is an openness to the invitation that is more pronounced at Easter that almost any other time of year. But I believe this year, for several reasons, the potential impact is multiplied many times over. I believe this is true first because the rate of new Covid cases is at its lowest point in nearly two years. And from what I've seen people are more eager than ever to reconnect with family, friends and neighbors.

After two years of limited social contact, even isolation, many are starved for real, in person community. The Christian church is the very definition of loving community. Rock Church is a place where people from all walks of life can find love and acceptance. We work very hard to be a place of intentional welcome to people of every race, economic status and political persuasion. Following the separation brought about by Covid, people are more open than ever to an invitation to experience true community.

I believe this is also a time when many people are seeking spiritually. With so much stripped away during Covid, I believe people have begun to rethink the value and importance of worldly things. As a result, more and more people seem to be seeking spiritually, trying to find a deeper and more meaningful expression of life. The church provides a place for seekers to explore faith and rebuild their lives on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

I would like to ask all of us to think about “who is our one?” Who is that one person, that one family, within our circle of relationships that we could invite to join us for Easter worship? More than ever, people all around us are in need of the joy and hope that is only found in Christ. We have this opportunity to share that hope and joy this Easter with a simple invitation.

So who is your one? I would encourage us to begin praying for that person immediately and then to take the bold step to invite them to join us for worship. Invite them to come and experience the blessing of Christian community and the hope of the Gospel.

I look forward to us all being together this weekend as we continue our exploration of what it really means to be like Jesus.

Love you all,

Pastor Steve
