I've been thinking a lot lately about this matter of spiritual gifts that we talked about on Sunday. If you have been around church life for a while this concept of spiritual gifts is not new to you. It is certainly something we talk about from time to time. We preached on it, lead Bible studies about it, even offer spiritual gifts surveys and evaluation tools. I wonder sometimes if we've grown so accustomed to the concept that we've lost sight of what an amazing thing this really is. When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives he literally, supernaturally deposits certain gifts and abilities into us to be used for the work of Christ.

When we compare our spiritual gifts to certain talents in our lives, one of the biggest differences is that we had to work for those talents. Do we want to be able to play an instrument? We need to be prepared to invest thousands of hours in practice. Do we want to become a skilled ball player. We have to be willing to invest countless hours and hard work on the field, or the court, to develop that talent. But spiritual gifts are freely given. Supernaturally placed within us in a mix that is unique to us. What a blessing!

But of course with great gifts comes great responsibility. The Holy Spirit has poured these gifts into our lives for a purpose, a specific work. And that purpose matters. That work is important. And I wonder sometimes if we don't miss out on how precious, how valuable and how important those spiritual gifts are. This can be particularly true of those gifts that are of a most supportive nature. The behind-the-scenes gifts that so often seem to go unnoticed. But whether they are out front or behind the scenes, they matter. Our unique gifts are an integral part of the successful execution of the mission of God.

So I want to encourage us today, in connection to what we discussed on Sunday. Your gifts are unique to you. As such they are special and they are essential. So if you haven't figured out yet where you fit into the work of Christ, today would be a great day to get started. If you are really not sure where your gifts and abilities are meant to be used, then just experiment a little. Try some things out. See what fits and where you feel most fruitful and fulfilled.

Let's all find our place and get engaged in the mission of Christ through his church. Because this work is too important to allow gift to go undeveloped and unused.

Have a blessed week.

I love you all.

Pastor Steve
