This week we celebrate the 4th of July, Independence day! Personally, I celebrated in fellowship with good friends, with more food than I should ever have eaten and an amazing fireworks display. We love Independence Day. It is our celebration of freedom. And freedom is one of the most precious gifts we enjoy as human beings. The 4th of July marks our freedom as a nation. But as Christ followers there is an even greater freedom that we experience. It is the freedom found in Christ. Jesus said in John 8 “If the Son has set you free you are free indeed.” There is a true freedom in Christ that goes beyond anything this world can offer.

Unfortunately, many Christ followers live as if we are still captive. We are still in bondage to some area of sin in our lives. There are still certain areas of addiction that we battle. There are still things that hold us down when we should be able to soar as if “on wings of eagles.” And so, on this week when we celebrate freedom, I want to remind us that we have been set free by Christ, and we are free indeed.

So if there is anything in your life that is holding you captive, make today your Independence day. Let today be the day you invited God to break those chains. If there is some sin in your life that you have been captive to, give it over to God in prayer and allow him to bring freedom. Is there something of your past that has a hold on you? Release it at the foot of the cross. Give it over to Jesus and allow him to set you free. Is there anything in your life that you are addicted to; drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, sex or even the approval of others? Bring it to God and let him break those chains.

The interesting (and perhaps counterintuitive) thing about this is that in order to be independent we must be dependent. If we want to be free of the things of this world that hold us back or hold us down, we must be fully dependent on God. This week we have celebrated Independence Day and the freedoms that we so richly enjoy. May it be a reminder to us of the ultimate freedom that is found in Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed week. I love you all.

P. Steve
