According to the weather man we're officially in heatwave. I was out running errands yesterday and at every stop someone was commenting on it. “Hot enough for you?” “Stay out of the hot sun.” I had a doctor's appointment today with my cardiologist. The receptionist at the front, the medical assistant that took my blood pressure and the phlebotomist who drew my blood all commented on the heat. The last one actually gave some good advice, “stay hydrated.” On these hot days we are reminded how important it is to drink plenty of fluids. Some like lemonade, sweet tea or a nice cold Coke on a blistering day. But as for me, just give me water and plenty of it.

As I finished up my bottle of water a moment ago I got thinking about how Jesus described himself to the woman at the well, “Living Water.” In the same way that water is life, Jesus is life. Life abundant and life eternal. In the same way that water restores us when the heat of the day has sapped us of all strength, Jesus restores our weary souls. And in the same way that we all need water to live, the world desperately needs the Living Water that is found in Christ.

If you or I saw someone parched from the heat, we would absolutely give them water if we had some to share. In the same way, I pray that we would take every opportunity to offer the world of living water that is Jesus. There are so many ways that we can do that. In our personal conversations, in an invitation to Sunday worship or Wednesday youth group, or just by offering to pray for someone, we can offer them the living water that is Jesus.

Over the coming weeks we have a number of special opportunities to offer Living Water to those all around us. For example, coming up in August are our Day Camps. The Plaistow program is full but there is still room in the Sandown evening program during the week of August 15-19. You can see all the information at this link. The Men's Retreat is coming up in early September on the 9th-11th. This will be a wonderful time to be refreshed with the Living Water of Jesus. A week later will be our Night of Worship and block party. This is going to be a wonderful opportunity to invite our friends and neighbors to experience the Living Water of Jesus. I should mention that this is a big event and we're going to need lots of help. You can find out all about some of the ways to help at this link and sign up there to volunteer if you would like.

As we go through through these hot hot days of summer, I pray that you would not only stay hydrated with physical water, but did you would stay renewed and refreshed with the living water that is Jesus. And that at every opportunity you would offer that Living Water to others who desperately need him.

I look forward to us being together this weekend as we launch a new teaching series entitled ”Crazy!” This is going to be a great series and you won't want to miss a single week.

Love you all,

Pastor Steve
