I was thinking recently about the way Jesus interacted with children. When others tried to push them away, he drew them in. He welcomed them. In one instance he told his disciples “unless you become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus made room for children. He made them feel loved and valued. And even at their young age he taught them about God and faith. I think there is something important and noteworthy about the way Jesus invested in the lives of young people.

More than ever I believe it is the responsibility of the church to pour into the next generation. Perhaps more than any other time in modern history, there is a desperate need to invest in the lives of our young people, both children and youth. This generation is being exposed to more risk, more temptation, more danger and more spiritual attack than any generation in recent memory. They desperately need the foundation for life that is only found in Jesus Christ. Who will lay that foundation? Where will it come from? To use a familiar phrase “if not us, who? If not now, when?”

We talk a good bit about stewardship in the church. But I think we forget sometimes that we have a responsibility before God to steward our children. Our children are a gift and a treasure. As adult followers of Jesus we are called to steward well this gift from God. In the same way that Jesus welcomed the children and took the time to pour faith into them, we are now called to invest in the spiritual lives of our children and youth.

I know it is not easy. We are living in a time when it is more and more difficult to reach young people. So many distractions, so many spiritual forces working against us, but nothing worthwhile in this life comes easy. It will be a battle, but it is a battle we must win. There is too much at stake to not bring to bear all the resources and strength we have to fight for the hearts, minds, and souls of our children.

Next week is Soulfest. We have a great group of young people going. And there will be many committed adults who will be there to invest in them. Shortly after that comes day camp. We will be doing an evening program in Sandown this year to help reach the children of parents who can't get their kids to a daytime program. The days are August 15 to 19. Beginning each evening with dinner at 5:30 p.m. if you know of any family with children pre-K through 8th grade, please extend a personal invitation to join us. Also, if you would like to help, there's still room for more adults to get connected. You will find a registration and volunteer sign up form at this link.

Then in the fall we will launch a new season of children's ministry. We will have programs at all three campuses. Parents, I implore you to register your children and make sure they get there every week. More than ever our children need to know the hope of Jesus and the God who loves them. Together we can reach this generation for Christ!

I look forward to us all being together in worship this Sunday as we continue our new series “Crazy!”

Love you all,

Pastor Steve
