We have a big challenge and an even bigger opportunity in front of us right now at Rock Church. Over the next two weeks we have our two Daycamp programs. This coming week, August 15 to 19, is our evening program in Sandown. Then the following week, August 22 to 26 is our daytime program in Plaistow.

The Sandown week is fully staffed, but we still have openings for more children. So the challenge there is to get the word out over the next few days to invite families to participate. If you know any families with children in the greater Sandown area, your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to let then know about this great opportunity and invite them to join us.

The Plaistow week is full. In fact, we have over 20 kids on the waiting list. Because the Plaistow program is a full day (except for the preschoolers who come 1/2 day), it takes a larger team to pull it together. We are still in need of help in several areas. We could use additional crew leaders, preschool leaders (half day), people in Rec, one person in KidVid and cooking help. If fact, if we can get the help we need, we can even accommodate the kids on the waiting list. Can you imagine the impact we can have on these young lives as we share the hope of Jesus with them!

To get both weeks of Daycamp fully enrolled and fully staffed is a big job. But these Daycamps offer an amazing opportunity to sow seeds of faith in these children. Over these two weeks, we have the opportunity to help many children and youth begin a journey of faith that will carry through their lives and on to eternity. But the only way we can do it is with your help. So, to help us extend the invitation to the evening program in Sandown next week, share this link and personally invite your friend’s and neighbor’s children.

If you would consider serving during the daytime program in Plaistow, please go to this link and click on the volunteer button. Even if you can only help for a portion of the week, we can use every volunteer.

This is such a big task that it might seem like a “mission impossible.” But with God nothing is impossible. Our Daycamps offer us one of the best opportunities of the year to reach out to unchurched families and children. I pray we can make the most of this opportunity to bring the hope of Jesus to the next generation.

Have a blessed week.

Love you all,

Pastor Steve