As I write this we have just finished up the second day of our second week of day camp. If you will indulge me, I just want to take a moment to brag on the amazing team of volunteers that has come together to make these two weeks possible. All together we have approximately 45 volunteers ranging in age from 13 to nearly 80, and they are amazing! They have come day after day to give freely of their time to pour the love of Jesus into this generation of children. Many of these volunteers have taken vacation time from work in order to be there. Additionally, over a dozen students have given up their final week of vacation before returning to school in order to be a part of this great program.

I'm honestly blown away by the sacrifice of time, energy and resources that I'm witnessing. We are wrapping up a teaching series right now in worship entitled “Crazy.” Many people in the world would look at the time, effort and energy that people are pouring into this program and say it's crazy. Who would give up all that time to bless a group of kids that many of us don't even know? It just seems crazy in the eyes of the world.

But it's not crazy. It's simply an unwavering commitment to the mission of reaching people, particularly young people, with the hope the gospel. Our mission as a church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love others and do good. That mission matters at every age. But there is something particularly exciting about seeing a young person open their heart to Jesus.

And you know what blows my mind? This is just one of so many examples of how people from our Rock Church family are sharing Jesus and making a difference in the world in his name. Every week people are giving of their time and resources sacrificially for the mission of the church and the cause of Christ. All I can say is “what a team!” We are blessed beyond words to have such an amazing team of gifted, talented, committed, passionate Christ followers who serve so sacrificially to advance the gospel.

So in case I haven't said it lately, let me say today that I am proud of our team and I love you all. To all of you who serve in every capacity within our church, thank you!

Have a blessed week and I look forward to us all being together on Sunday as we wrap up our teaching series “Crazy.”

God bless,

Pastor Steve

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