In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon said there is a time for everything. There's a time to plant and a time to reap, a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to mourn and a time to dance. I would add to his list that there is a time to celebrate! We have an amazing team of leaders and volunteer servants at Rock Church. Month after month throughout the year, so many of you serve sacrificially in the work of Christ through our church. Speaking for our entire pastoral team, I want you to know how incredibly grateful we are for all you do.

On Saturday, February 18th, we will hold a special event meant to celebrate the great work that has been accomplished in 2022 and express appreciation to all who have served as a part of the ministry of Rock Church. This event will be open to everyone who has served in any capacity over the past year. Guests are also welcome to bring a “plus one.” We will begin with apps and fellowship at 5:00 p.m., followed by dinner and a time to celebrate our ministry. Oh, and the evening will end with my favorite dessert bar ever!

As a part of our time, I will also be sharing a vision for what I believe God is calling us to in 2023. I believe God has great things in store for us and I can't wait for this opportunity to dream together about some of the amazing work God has for us in the year ahead. We will also be sharing several testimonies of some of the ways that God has been so powerfully at work at Rock church. This is going to be an amazing, fun and joy filled event that you will not want to miss.

Because we will be preparing food, we really need to know who was able to join us. To help us plan, we have set up a quick and easy online RSVP at this link. So, if you have served in hospitality, children's ministry, music ministry, care ministry, youth group, Mastering Motherhood, deaf/ASL ministry, led a life group or Bible study, been involved in leading men's or women's ministry events, served in technology, administration, on a team or committee, participated in a For Our Community event, helped with caring for our facilities in any way or served in any other form or fashion, we invite you to join us!

Additionally, if you have not yet found your place of service, but are ready to jump in this year, we also invite you to come to help us celebrate the work of the past year and hear how you can use your gifts and talents going forward. You can also register at the same link.

You've all worked so hard this year and God has done amazing things through the ministry of our church. Now it is time to pause, celebrate and express appreciation to all who serve. And it is time to look forward with great anticipation to what God will have for us in the year to come.

I look forward to us all being together this Sunday as we continue our superheroes series with another great character. Can you guess who it will be?

Love you all,

Pastor Steve 
