Within the Christian faith, there are certain acts we call sacraments. Sacraments are sacred acts that were first practiced by Jesus and his disciples. These sacraments have been carried on through the centuries to this very day. In our tradition there are two sacraments; communion and baptism.

Each of the sacraments have great significance in the life of a Christ follower. Communion, of course, is a remembrance of the last supper. It is meant to remind us on a regular basis of the sacrifice of Christ for our sin. His body broken for us. His blood shed for us. Here at the Rock we practice communion once a month, generally on the first Sunday of the month. We have an open communion. This means that all people are welcome to receive communion as a celebration of the grace of God.

Baptism is a celebration of our new life in Christ. When parents have their children baptized, it is a dedication of that child to God and a welcoming of the child into the family of God. It also marks the beginning of that child's faith journey. From that point forward, the parents have promised before God to raise the child immersed in the Christian faith so that they may grow up to have a relationship with Jesus.

 Believer baptism, when an individual chooses for themselves to be baptized, is one of the most important and beautiful expressions of our faith. Believer baptism is generally done by immersion. When, in the act of baptism, the believer goes beneath the water it is symbolic of dying with Jesus. Our old nature dies and we become a new creation in Christ. Then as the believer emerges up from the water, it symbolizes being resurrected into new life with Christ. Baptism is one of the most meaningful and powerful expressions of our faith that any of us can't experience.

This past Sunday we celebrated baptisms at our North Shore and Sandown campuses. On Sunday February 12th we will offer baptism at our Plaistow location. Anytime baptism is offered, at any of our locations, it is always open to everyone. So whether you generally attend and Sandown, Plaistow or North Shore, if you have not yet been baptized but are ready to celebrate this new life Christ has called you to, you are invited to join us for baptism on February 12th in Plaistow.

If you would be interested in baptism, I would simply like more information please email me at steve@rock-church.org. this Sunday we will continue our series “Superheroes” with the study of one of the most important and influential characters in the Bible. And his superpower is one we all can apply. You won't want to miss it.

  Love you all,

Pastor Steve
