Did you ever wonder where Valentine's Day came from? As with many traditions, it is a long and somewhat complicated history. It goes back to St Valentine, a third-century Christian martyr who, as tradition holds, healed the blind daughter of his jailer before being put to death. It is also reported that St Valentine performed weddings for Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry. But it was not until later in the 14th century that a poem by Chaucer connected Valentine's Day with romantic love.

Whatever the origins, next Tuesday is Valentine's day. A day we celebrate love. There will be romantic dinners by Candlelight. Flowers, candy and cards will abound. And I think all of that is wonderful! But it strikes me that as Christ followers, every day should be a celebration of love. Jesus said that all the law and the prophets can be summed up in this, love God and love your neighbor. To be a Christian is to celebrate and share God's love everyday.

So, here is my thought. Rather than wait for Valentine's day, let's celebrate love today. All day today I would encourage us to look for ways that we can express the love of Jesus to the people around us. It doesn't have to be a big thing. Bring you coworker a cup of coffee. Offer an encouraging word to someone who's struggling. Hug your kids one extra time before they head off to school. Check in on an elderly neighbor. Be kind with your words. Then, after you have expressed love in whatever ways you can today, get up tomorrow and do it again.

It is great that we have a date dedicated to love. But as followers of the one who called us to love all and to love unconditionally, let's not limit ourselves. And let's not wait for special day. Even in terms of romantic love, tell your spouse you love them everyday, many times a day. And don't wait until February 14th to bring them flowers or leave them a card that expresses how much you love them. We can celebrate love everyday.

Just a quick reminder that this Sunday at our Plaistow campus we will celebrate baptisms. If you have never been baptized and are ready to celebrate your faith with your church family, please drop me an email at steve@rock-church.org. There is still time to “jump in.”

Also, don't forget that the registration deadline for our ministry celebration event is coming up this weekend. The event will be held on Saturday February 18th beginning at 5:00 p.m. The event is open to all who have serve, young and old, from all Rock Church locations. You can see all the details and sign up at this link. This is going to be a wonderful evening of food, fun, testimonies, vision casting and more. This is our opportunity to express appreciation for all the ways that so many of you have served over the past year and to look forward to what God has for us in this coming year.

Have a wonderful week. I look forward to us all being together in worship this Sunday.

I love you all,

Pastor Steve
