If you were with us in worship in Plaistow this past Sunday, you most likely heard the announcement shared by Pastor James. Pastor James has made the decision to step down from his role as campus pastor. As he shared in worship, his wife Lynette was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. We are grateful to God that it was an early diagnosis and are very optimistic that by the power of God, and the help of a great medical team, Lynette will be fully healed. But James feels is best to release the responsibilities of pastoral ministry so he can devote as much time as possible to Lynette and his family. James and Lynette will still be an active part of our Rock Church family. Lynette looks forward to returning to the praise team after her treatments, and she and James will will be returning to choir as soon as they are able.

As timing would have it, Pastor Paul also shared an announcement at the North Shore campus that he and Lisa have put their house on the market. For a number of years now they have been working towards being able to move South to be closer to their family and enjoy a warmer climate. When their house sells, they will begin to prepare for their move. So, Pastor Paul will also be stepping down from his role as campus pastor at North Shore. I would invite us to keep both families in your daily prayers as they prepare for these transitions.

We are in a season of transitions. For James and Lynette, and for Paul and Lisa, these will be significant transitions at a personal level. For Rock church, these will be significant transitions in terms of our ministry. The Pastoral team, Church Council and SPRC (Staff Parish Relations Committee) are all hard at work preparing a way forward for our church. With God's help, we are confident that we will continue to move forward in our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love others, and do good.

Both Pastor James and Pastor Paul have had a significant impact on our ministry. I know I speak for our whole church when I say that we praise God for their faithful and sacrificial service to the kingdom of God through Rock Church. They each have brought great gifts to the role of campus pastor and their transitions from those places of pastoral ministry will definitely be felt. In the immediate, Pastor Jake will take on much of Paul's duties with the exception of music. I will similarly be taking on many of Pastor James tasks in Plaistow. Myself, Pastor Jake and Pastor Beth will all be taking on additional responsibilities in the preaching rotation. There will be many tasks and responsibilities to be cared for. We will certainly need additional help and support. And so if any of you are feeling led to get more engaged in ministry, please don't hesitate to speak with Pastor Jake or I about some tasks that can be shared.

Transitions can be hard. But God is always with us. My experience has been that He has a way of bringing good, even from the hard things. So we are trusting God to carry us through this transition, using it for good for James and Lynette, for Paul and Lisa, and for the ministry of Rock Church. In all things we will praise him.

Have a blessed week.

I love you all,

Pastor Steve

