I have a feeling I will be a little sore tomorrow. I did something today I haven’t done in a long time, I went back to the gym. If I am completely honest, it was “pre-covid” when I last went to the gym with any regularity. I always liked going to the gym. After going consistently for a little while, I always feel better. It helps me manage my weight better. I have more energy. I just feel healthier. But for some reason, I hadn’t been in long time. And as I think about it, I realize that this isn’t even the first time I’ve “fallen off the wagon.” Over the years I have gone through several cycles of being very intentional in exercising and then going for extended seasons without it.

If I know it is good for me, and I actually seem to enjoy it when I finally make it to the gym, why do I end up with these extended absences? I suspect there are at least a couple of underlying causes. First, it takes time. Far too often, I feel like I don’t really have the time (although I seem to find the time for lots of other things). I’ve also noticed that sometimes I get in my head about it. The more I think about it, the more daunting it seems. I have to actually get dress. I must face the cold. And then there is that long (5 minute) drive to the gym.

But the truth is, if I just set my mind to it, I do it. I make the time. I grab some gym clothes. I hop in the car and make the very quick drive. When I’m done, I feel great (most of the time). And by taking care the temple that God has entrusted to me, I know I will live a healthier life and be better able to serve Christ for years to come.

I think sometimes we look at our spiritual practices in the same way. I bet many of us go through cycles of being much more intentional in our daily prayer, scripture and devotions and then having times when we just don’t seem to get to it. I understand. It is much like going to the gym. It takes time. It takes intentionality. If we are not careful, it is easy to fall out of the habit.

But I want to remind us that there is real blessing in being consistent in our personal spiritual life. When we start the day in prayer, when we take time each day in the Word of God, we are spiritually stronger and healthier. We are better equipped to do the work of God. And we are better able to stand against the attacks of the enemy that invariably come.

So, I want to encourage us today. If you have been in one of those spiritual dry seasons when you have not been as consistent or intentional in your time with God, today would be a great day to get back at it. Make the decision. Find the time. And be remind of what a blessing it is to start every day with a focus on Christ.

Have a blessed day. I love you all.

Pastor Steve
